Anno 1404 Production Chains

Anno 1404 Production Chains

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Table of Contents.Optimal City LayoutOld WorldNow this layout is designed to wor up to tier 3, so in the beginning there are obviously gonna be some gaps. You may fill them or leave them empty as you please.I think this image is quite self explanatory, so I’m not gonna add anything more to this.You may also wish to employ this second layout, which has the upside of housing almost double the amount of people of the first one. The downsides on the other hand are the fact that there is no space for ornamental buildings, and that the first layout is heaps more modular than this one:New WorldThe observant ones among you probably already noticed, that there is an image missing, which is actually due to the fact that its not there. So, coming soon I guess. Lumber & WoodThis is for raw lumber:And this consequently for refined lumber:You obviously need both. And it’s actually two of the first and only one of the second one for complete efficiency.

Anno 1404 (also known as Dawn of Discovery in North America) is a PC city builder game by German developer Related Designs. Anno-1404-Production-Chains - A printable version of the Anno 1404 production chains found on. Below is the most efficient production setup for production chains. See Production and consumption rates for determining how many of each chain is needed for your population size. Contentsshow Peasants Citizens Patricians Noblemen Nomads Envoys Tips & Tricks When playing Venice, the.

Work ClothesYep, that’s it.SausageWith this one you have two options avaliable. This one:And this one. Just be mindfull that this one needs at least a medium level Warehouse:SoapSailsSchnappsAgain, several options. The first two neet a medium level Warhouse tho:BreadAgain several options, but the last one actually needs a fully upgraded Warehouse to function:Canned FoodIt’s merely missing an iron mine:Best Modular Area for Many ProductionsYou can fit any of these productions in here as you see fit:Productoin ChainsJust a general summary of all protuction chains.Similar Posts:. Hello.Nice city layout.

I didn’t use any of the production layout as there is no room for fire station but the city layout has helped me out greatly. It kept my people happy with ample room for parks and whatnot at the end. (I usually get a fountain later there)Now, one question.

If I want to implement oil power plant in the city layout, how should I go about it?A few problems:First, I don’t know how far the oil power plant’s effect reaches out to. Thus I don’t know how many power plants I would need to place in one grouping. 8×12 residential blocksMoreover, these power plants need a railroad in, and out.

That makes the whole planning pretty difficult. I have tried out some ideas, but they waste too much space, and I don’t like it.How would you go about it?Thanks in advance.

Contents Housing Large scale occidental layoutBig City building planBuilding plan with calamity buildingsPreparing for 'Need-Buildings'This building plan is for 4 Market Places, which are flipped symmetrically: with a horizontal and a vertical axis. The first image shows the outcome, if you are playing without the need for Carpenters, Fire Stations and Surgeries.

Bless Online is done. There is actually quite an active development team for Bless. Just not the Bless you want.When Neowiz formed Round 8 Studio, they split the Bless Online team, wanting to focus their time and effort into Bless Unleashed – it is their new cash grab, after all. Bless Online made its sales.So while they continue to maintain the game with a ghost-ship of a staff, the main focus of the Bless team will be on Bless Unleashed.Players that thought Bless Online would continue to be actively worked on are clinging to a false hope. Bless online xbox.

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The second image shows where to place calamity buildings (Carpenters, Fire Stations and Surgeries) if you set up game for them. This will 'cost' you 9 Houses per Market Building. The third image shows how to prepare for the 'Need Buildings': Build the houses in this way, so (later on) to easily make place for the Tavern, Church and Prison.In the first image the center is left open. This is best filled with a Market Building.

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An additional Market Place can be build here, but houses built around it will be out of the influence areas of the 'Need Buildings'. You could make a beautiful garden here, as well.4 Market Place 340 Houses 16 Chapels 4 Church 12 Taverns 4 PrisonsSmall scale occidental layoutSmall village with 84 houses and additional space for 4 chapels, 4 Carpenter's house, 2 taverns, 1 Debtor's Prison and 1 church (also space for an Alms house). Every house has got access to every service-building.

Good if you want minimum amount of vacant space.For protection against sickness and plague and fire, additional houses must be demolished to make space for such facilities.1 Marketplace 87 houses 4 chapels 4 carpenter's house 2 taverns 1 debtor's prison 1 churchOccidental layout I. A single set of utility buildings providing services for 101 houses. All houses get church access, so all can advance to at least citizen class. I have never gotten a plague using this layout, and fires are very rare if you use stone roads (less than one per 5 hours of gameplay). The market building can be omitted if you have something else covering the carpenters on the side already.

Replace the inner carpenters/doctors with more houses if you have fire/plague disabled.Second Image shows where to put Fire Stations, if you want them. Doesn't support the 3 Houses at top or bottom.1 Marketplace 101 Houses 1 Church 1 Tavern 1 Debtor's prison 4 Carpenter's houses 2 Surgeries 1 Small market buildingOccidental layout IIThis city is centered around the church, however this city layout is designed such that you can build it stepwise as your population develops.


You first build the left marketplace and the chapel left of the place where the tavern will come later on (red empty rectangle). Once you have build the left part of the city with the church, you can build the second marketplace expand to right. All huts run at 100%, although you may have to press the Cultivate button after building the roads to get them back up to 100% (Note that it is significantly cheaper to manually build any required trees at 5 gold per tree, each tree gives 3% productivity). There is one tile of overlap between each pair of huts.The small market building can almost completely keep up with production when using dirt roads, and keeps up without trouble if you upgrade to stone roads.WoodAll huts can run at 100%. The roads outside are to show the boundary of this layout. You will need to manually plant trees or even remove existing trees if they are too large. Best if you remove all existing trees first before manually planting all trees.Wood(noria exploit).

Dates/Indigo/Silk/Coffee/.layoutThis Layout gives you the flexibility you need!You can build farms up to 5 fields.If the farm doesn't need a road, you don't need to build the road (red).In the middle you can build a market building with a small noria, a market building with a process building or 2 process buildings. The choice is yours.If you build a spice farm you can leave 1 field (yellow) and build a large noria, market building, or process building instead.Large Norias can also be set at the edge.Spices. Wheat/Milk farm layoutThis layout is usable for wheat (bread/beer) and milk farms.Uses 64 tiles per farm.Four blocks are displayed, showing how multiple blocks can be combined without wasting space in between.Note that since goat farms don't require any fertilities, you can build them on northern islands. If you're building goat farms on infertile land, you can either place noria's beside the blocks, or replace some fields (of different farms) with norias and use the.Wheat / Milk / Cattle farms.

Anno 1404 Production Chains
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