System Shock 2 Walkthrough

System Shock 2 Walkthrough

System Shock 2 Walkthrough 4,8/5 1605 reviews

System Shock 2 - 'Remember, it is my will that guided you here. It is my will that gave you your cybernetic implants, the only beauty in that meat you call a body.

System Shock 2 - Psionic AbilitiesSite Navigation••Shrine Navigation•••••••••••••••Psionic AbilitiesJust like the weapons, Psionic skills come in two flavors, very useful and very useless. With psionic skills, you must first buy the Tier, then you can buy the skills within the tier. Each tier you buy adds to your psi point maximum. If you're a psionics specialist, you may want to buy all the tiers, even if you don't buy any skills under some of them, just so you can increase your psi point maximum. Tier 1Psycho-reflective ScreenProtects you from 15% of combat damage.This is a skill you can use through the whole game. It's really long lasting, and coupled with it's very low Psi point cost, you should automatically cast this every time you enter a new area. You'll want to pick this skill during your 3 year training at the start if you choose the O.S.A.

As your career path.Duration: 20 seconds + 30 seconds per PSI.Neuro-reflex DampeningEliminates all weapon kickback.I've learned, from much use of weapons in this game, to control kickback that weapons have. If you too can manage to control the recoil, then there's not much point in having this skill. On the other hand, if you are just having a tough time getting the hang of recoil, this is a good, low cost method of eliminating recoil all together.Duration: 1 minute + 20 seconds per PSI.Kinetic RedirectionPulls an object toward you.This skill has minimal use. There's at most 1 or 2 times where this skill is the only way you can get an item. Skip it and save the upgrade modules for something else.Duration: 1 second per PSI.Psychogenic AgilityIncreases your Agility by 2.Some people would argue differently, but I really like this skill. Block craft 3d online.

It lasts for a really long time and costs only 1 psi point. Because I'm an agility whore, I prefer to dodge attacks and flank enemies rather than take them head on, so every point of agility I can get is a god-send.Duration: 2 minutes + 1 minute per PSI.Psychogenic Cyber AffinityIncreases your CYB by 2.I recommend this to any player trying to go through the game as a hacker, the 2 CYB points are invaluable assets. However, if you don't hack very often, there's not much point to this skill.Duration: 2 minutes + 1 minute per PSI.Projected CryokinesisLaunches a heat-draining projectile at a target.

Higher PSI increases damage.This is only mildly useful throughout the game. It takes a long time to charge it, far longer than any other attack in the game. Add on to that the fact that it really isn't a very strong attack, and you've got a pretty poor weapon on your hands.Remote Electron TamperingMakes active alarms time out faster.I can't think of much use for this skill. With the fact that simply right clicking on any security console deactivates the alarms completely and for free, there's no point in having this.Time Reduction: 5 seconds + 5 seconds per PSI.Tier 2Anti-entropic FieldWhile this discipline is active, your ranged weapons cannot break, and their condition will not degrade.This is an alternative to using the maintenance skill.

Personally I'd prefer the maintenance skill because it allows you to put more energy into your energy based items, armor, and weapons.Duration: 10 seconds + 20 seconds per PSI.Adrenaline OverproductionIncreases hand-to-hand damage by a factor equal to PSI.This ability multiplies melee damage by a factor of PSI. For example, if you have a PSI of 6, all melee damage will be multiplied by 6.

With a decent melee weapon, strength, and this skill, you can do insane amounts of damage.Duration: 10 seconds per PSI.Neural DecontaminationShields you from 80% of radiation damage.Use the BioHazard suit instead and spend the upgrade modules on something better.Duration: 10 seconds + 5 seconds per PSI.Cerebro-stimulated RegenerationRegenerates lost hit points.This skill is invaluable. Of all the psionic user's skills, this is the most powerful. A lack of Health Hypos or Med Kits shouldn't be a problem if you have this skill.Amount Healed: 2 hit points per PSI.Psychogenic StrengthIncreases your Strength by 2.The biggest use for this would be for hand to hand combat. This doesn't give you nearly the damage bonus that Adrenaline Overproduction can, but the benefit of this over Adrenaline Overproduction is that this can be used later in the game when your inventory space is getting crowded.Duration: 2 minutes + 1 minute per PSI.Recursive Psionic AmplificationIncreases your Psionics by 2.

Psi point costs are doubled while active.In my opinion, the 2 extra Psi points aren't worth the double cost. Just use the skill twice for the extra benefit instead of getting this.Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per PSI.Localized PyrokinesisDamages all creatures within a five foot radius. Higher PSI increases damage to enemies.I really didn't like this skill until someone on the TTLG boards pointed out some rather enticing info about this skill. First, this skill negates any incendiary damage you would normally take.

This means that the really annoying protocol droids on the Engineering bay can't damage you while this ability is active. Second, if you activate this ability first, then the invisibility ability second, you can walk right up to enemies and watch them fall to your feet dead, all while remaining unnoticed. Quite a powerful skill when used right.Duration: 15 seconds + 8 seconds per PSI.Tier 3Molecular DuplicationUse some Nanites to duplicate one ammo clip or hypo.This is a useful skill when you're low on an item, but the nanite cost is expensive, so be careful.Chance of Success: 30% + 10% per PSI.Electron CascadeRecharges a single charged item or weapon.This can be an invaluable lifesaver, or a complete waste depending on how you're playing the game. If you're using energy based weapons, armor, or items, this skill can be used as a fairly cheap source of power.

If you're not using energy based stuff, just skip this skill.Recharge amount: 20% per point of PSI, up to the maximum allowed by your Maintenance skill.Energy ReflectionProvides 50% immunity to all energy-based damage sources.50% is a lot of protection, but there's just not enough enemies with energy-based attacks to justify getting this skill.Duration: 20 seconds per PSI.Neural Toxin-blockerShields you from 100% of toxin absorption.By the time you see the spiders, it'll be too late to use this skill. Just skip it.Duration: 10 seconds + 5 seconds per PSI.Enhanced Motion SensitivityShows the location of all nearby creatures.Use your god-given skill of hearing instead, and you'll do just as good as with this skill.Duration: 30 seconds per PSI.Projected PyrokinesisLaunches a fiery projectile at a target. Higher PSI increases damage.This, like Projected Cryokinesis has only limited usefulness. The benefit of this over Projected Cryokinesis is that this skill doesn't take very long to charge, and it does more damage as well.

Unfortunately, this skill can't damage mechanical enemies, and it can drain your Psi points very quickly. This does come in useful against the Psi Reavers that appear late in the game, though.Psionic HypnogenesisTarget non-robotic creature will stand still and docile. If the creature takes damage, the effect ends.Another ability I had my mind changed on. At high PSI levels, you can put an enemy to sleep with this for over 2 minutes with a single shot, which is such a long length of time that they're basically as good as dead. This skill can be useful against the stronger enemies late in the game. Just make sure you don't hit them by accident and wake them back up.Duration: 20 seconds per PSI.Tier 4Photonic RedirectionRenders you invisible to all creatures.

Firing a weapon will end the effect.By itself, this ability is useful for sneaking past strong enemies instead of taking them on. When coupled with the Localized Pyrokinesis ability, this ability becomes invaluable to a Psi user.

The System Shock WalkthroughThis walkthrough is highly preliminary (note version number). All isdisclaimed. I still have to go through the CDROM version of the game a fewtimes.NOTE: It is rather difficult to write a detailed walkthrough when all of thedetails (Puzzles, Combat, Cyber, Mission) will be different for eachuser. Please try to keep this in mind. If you have all of the aboveset to Difficulty level 2 or 3, things should happen exactly asdescribed here.t: (designed not to give away too much). Always destroy all Cameras and Computer Nodes that you find. Thiswill lower level security.

Doors/switches etc. That say 'blockedby level security' will all work when level security = 0% (and somewill open when security drops to around 10%). On most levels is a Cyborg Conversion chamber. A switch nearby willreconfigure it to heal you when you are killed, instead of turningyou into a Cyborg. Some lit panels flat on the floor are elevators. Step on them to activate.These are abundant on Level 1, so keep an eye out for them. Each Cyberspace Terminal leads to a different enclosed area.

The game has no demo versions and is only available after purchasing.Q6. Is 60 Seconds! 60 seconds nuke game wiki. A free survival game?A6.

You willhave to complete the area for each different Cyberspace Terminal thatyou find. If a door is 'broken beyond repair', you cannot ever get through. Some elevators will not operate ('shut down due to.'


) untilcertain tasks are complete. If you are stuck, it is because youhave failed to:A) Explore all accessible areas of all levels that you can get to.B) Conquer all accessible areas of Cyberspace for access codes andcomputer-locked door switches.C) Read all of your E-mail and Logs for clues. The other folkson the station had several plans that they were trying toaccomplish to defeat Shodan, maybe you could complete some oftheir missions for them. Some levels cannot be completed on your first pass.

You will haveto continue up to other levels and come back later. No level is ever completely 'clear' of enemies. They continue toreappear.

System Shock 2 Walkthrough
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