Tron Game

Tron Game

Tron Game 5,0/5 898 reviews

Play Tron at MillsEagles Unblocked Games. Tron is a fun futuristic racing game and multiplayer as well! The movie game is very fun can move in all directions and jump with the space key every time they pass the time aumentaras speed. TRON Light Speede, 3D games, tron in 3D game Neon Rider: motorcycle Neon 76% Rating.

219 bytes tronWith some coworkers, we challenged each other to write the smallestpossible game of tron in javascript (an exercise knownas javascript golfing).This page explains our final version (219 bytes). We initially worked alone but then exchanged ideasand tricks, so erling & mathewsb deserve most of the credits!our code was originally 226 bytes, but 'Cosmologicon' pointed out a way to save three whole bytes, bringing usto 223 bytes.With p01, we then came up with a way to save another 11 bytes (making the game 212 bytes).He also suggested keeping track of score, which takes 9 bytes but is totally worth it!skrounge found a way to save 2 more bytes, bringing the game to 219 bytes.sent me this piece of art.

It doesa nice job depicting what's going on, read on. We started with some basic rules:. the tron must start in the center, facing any direction. the game controls must be 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l'. when the tron hits it's trail or an edge, 'game over' must be shown to the user. the code need only run on Chrome 17.Unlike some js size optimization competitions, we did not use a shim.

We took into account the entire page's size. Thisforced us to explore novel tricks.My coworkers represented the board as ascii-art (which resulted in shorter code but an unplayable game).I preferred to keep the game nicer and use a tag. By assigning an id to the body, we are going to be able to writeb.innerHTML='game over', insteadof having to write document.body.innerHTML='game over'.

Saves us 7 bytes.We can also drop the quotes around the attribute, since browsers are able to fix that for us. In Firefox, this only works in Quirks Mode (which is enabled since there isn't a doctype in the demo).

We use onkeyup instead of onkeydown, since it saves 2 bytes. The gamefeels a little different, but who cares?e is going to contain the keyboard event. Implies the game is going to spew js errors until thefirst key is released.

It also means the game doesn't start until you press the first key. Thiscan be improved, but requires 2 extra bytes. We put our main code in a onload=, since it saves us the and tags(saves 10 bytes).

We are not going to use quotes, so there is a set of characters we can't use in the code (asit would end the attribute). The set of forbidden characters includes , space, tab.Note: the. Z is going to contain the context for the canvas. There is no way to avoid this expensive expression.

We are however also goingto use z to store our grid to detect collisions. JavaScript lets you access properties on objects using the array syntax, andeverything works out as long as you don't need to call array functions (i.e. We can't do z.join;).Reusing z to store our grid saves 2 to 5 bytes, depending on how things are done. The grid is going to be a single dimension, n.n grid.Note: we tried using the canvas to detect collisions. Accessing the pixel values of a canvasturned out to require lots of bytes.

Draws the black background.By default, an empty canvas has a black foreground color, white background color and is 300x150 pixels wide.We also initialize 3 variables, n is set to 150 (which is going to be our arena size).x is going to be the tron's position, and is set to 11325 (11325=75.75+75=center of the grid).s is going to keep track of the score and is set to 0.We are effectively drawing a 150x11325 box, but the game is going to look & feel 150x150.Simultaneously calling a functionand setting a variable is a very common trick in js golf and saves lots of bytes. Checks if we are within the game boundary. We can't use the operator (we are inside an attribute),but.

Updates the variable x based on the value of e (remember, onkeyup saves the event in the evariable).The grid is a single dimension, going up or down requires us to add or subtract n units.Besides being placed in a cross shape on the keyboard, 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l' are also consecutive letters. We convert the key codeinto an index by simply doing &3 (notice how e.which is shorter than e.keyCode by 2 bytes).Note: hitting any other key will also move the tron in various directions. Filtering all other keys requires 4 more bytes. This expression is one of the nicest parts of the code. There's a lot going on here:.The grid is never initialized, so it starts out with all the values set to undefined.The ^= (bitwise xor assignment) operator lets us update the grid while checking for a collision:.If the value in the grid has never been visited, we set the grid value to 1 and return 1.If the value in the grid has been visited, we return 0. Using the ternary?: operator, we draw a white pixel at the tron's position when the game has not ended.Since our grid and x are a single dimension, we need to use /and% operators to get each coordinate value.We also increment the score.

Another common trick to save bytes is to add extra parameters to function calls. We replace the page's content with 'game over' and the score when a collision occurs.Since we are inside an attribute we cannot use a space character. We instead use U+00A0 (non breaking space) and shown here as ⬜.

Iniso88591 this only takes one byte. The browser auto detects iso88591 if we don't serve the page with another content type.Note: the game still exists in memory and is still running.

Contents BackgroundOnly fourteen years old, Tron is the mechanical genius of the Bonne family, possessing an IQ of 180. She is in charge of building and maintaining all of the Bonnes' mechanical devices, including the Bonne family's air ship, the, her loyal and even the ships they pilot, the Drache and the Hornisse. Tron is known for piloting machines such as the, and the in battle. She has always wanted to go on missions and adventures just like her older brother, but was never given the chance until Teisel and Bon by Loath. After rescuing Teisel and Bon from Loath's clutches, Tron has since acted as Teisel’s 'right hand girl' in all of the Bonnes' adventures.

Besides her older brother Teisel, she has a younger brother,.Tron is also the creator and 'mother' of the Servbots, whom she treats much like children. Finally, although Tron angrily denies it, she has a huge crush on her archenemy,. She also considers as her rival, in both engineering and as Volnutt's love interest.PersonalityThough she is a pirate and has been shown to be rather greedy and egotistical, she has also shown a noble morality throughout the series, performing altruistic deeds like aiding her archenemy Mega Man in the Mega Man Legends series; or chastising, defeating, and turning in a crime boss to the police for his barbarity of attempting to utilise an ancient robot vehicle to devastate and conquer the world in the spin-off game The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Thus, Tron knows when to 'draw the line' when performing acts of piracy, or when any scheme becomes too morally questionable for her liking.Temperamental and prideful when in the presence of others, Tron's personality towards her forty-one Servbots is more reminiscent of a disciplinarian mother towards her children. She is very harsh and demanding towards her Servbots, but is quick to praise and reward them for good performance, being very caring and compassionate towards them when they're not performing any number of tasks.Gameplay. Lunch Time, get in line!

Tron when using her Servbot Takeout Hyper Combo. Command Normals & Special Attacks. Gustaff Fire: Tron's Gustaff fires a flamethrower at a 45 degree angle.

Good for punishing blocks. Bandit Boulder: Tron picks up a large boulder from the ground and throws it. The attack button can be held down to hold on to the boulder for a longer time. The attack also causes damage when she's picking the boulder. Beacon Bomb: Fires a shot that calls on Servbots to hold the opponent in place. Different buttons makes her shoot in different angles.

In her game, the beacon bomb is shot from Gustaff itself, and used to make the Servbots attack/distract enemies or gather objects. Bonne Mixer: Command grab. Essentially a weaker version of the Shakedown Mixer hyper combo.: An arm of Tron's tank-mech converts into a gun that fires a Servbot with a helicopter on its head, blocking the opponent's path. Different buttons makes her shoot in different angles. The Servbot descends slowly till reaching the ground, and more than one can be active at the same time.: Tron attacks with her robot tank arm morphed into a drill, rocketing straight ahead towards her opponent.

Pressing the button increases the number of hits.Assist AttacksNameTypeAngleCross-OverαBonne StrikeDirectFrontKing ServbotβGustaff FireShotUpwardKing ServbotγBandit BoulderShotFrontServbot TakeoutHyper Combos. (Level 1): Incapacitates an enemy with a gunshot and calls for her horde of 41 Servbots, who stampede over the opponent. (Level 1): The Servbot that is with Tron grows and starts attacking with a hammer. Tron appears to be controlling it as a satellite dish unfurls from the Gustaff. (Level 3): Grabs an opponent and slams them face-first into the ground.

Keeping the opponent held, Tron's mech torso then spins around, brutally grinding the opponent's face against the earth while the ground begins to burn from intense friction. Finally, Tron's mech leaps into the air and slams the opponent face-first into the ground for the last time.X-Factor X-Factor BoostsDamageSpeedLevel 1135%105%Level 2160%110%Level 3185%115%Changes in Ultimate Marvel vs. Quotes. All right, is everyone ready?

(intro). Give me all your valuables and leave! (intro). I would give up now if I were you!

(intro). Let's do this, Gustaff! (intro). Oh, ho! Ho! (intro).

This will be easy! (taunt). If it's not nailed down, it's mine! (match win). That went exactly as I planned!

(match win). Yeah, that's right, I'm bad!

(match win). You're a lot weaker than you look! (match win). What a haul! (match win). I need a new assistant, looking for some work? I doubt there's much available for washed-up fighters!.

I'm going to be the richest girl in the world! Servbots, stop wasting time and get to work!.

Show some fear, the Bonne Family's here! Time to work!.

The Bonne Family, air pirates at large, are here to relieve you of all your valuables!. Tron Bonne, Queen of the Servbots, at your service!. W-what? No, we're not a team!

They're just freeloaders looking for an easy ride!Special Quotes. I've found me! (intro). Ugh!

I smell the stink of poverty! (intro). Please! I'm not dumb enough to be caught by! (intro). Uh-oh. Am I getting? (intro/Ultimate only).

I can't wait to start! (match win). Sorry! I don't have time for! (match win). Oh, ho!

But you're not taking me in! (match win). Alright! Time to pay! (match win/Ultimate only). Now where Mega Man is! I have some heroic deeds to thwart!.

Tsk. Such a shame to destroy.

Oh, well. Gustaff needs a new roof. Adventure story wikipedia in hindi. I knew I shouldn't have skimped on building costs. Let's see.I got this.and this.and.Oh!

Noby noby boy ios 7. I'll take, too! I look better on it, anyway.

don't have a mecha. You don't even know how to fight. What are you doing here? (Ultimate only). That uniform.that's so dreamy.Oh, never mind what I just said!

Weak and deserved to lose! (Ultimate only)UMVC3 Tron Bonne (W Eng & Jap Voices). Ending Spoiler AlertTron and her Servbots returns home to ask Mega Man Volnutt to go out with him and threatens him with a reprogrammed Sentinel.TranscriptTron Bonne: Woo hoo hoo, long time no see! How are you boys?Servbot: Long time no see!MegaMan Volnutt.Tron Bonne: It's been years since we last met! Can't we all just get along and go out for a bite to eat?Tron Bonne: You know, if you say no this time, my friend here is going to have a word with you. Right, Servbot #42?Sentinel: YES, MISS TRON BONNE.MegaMan Volnutt.Tron Bonne: #42 here just became a scout for the Bonne clan, you know!Servbot: He works overtime as a bodyguard, too!Sentinel: YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, MISS TRON BONNE.Tron Bonne: Hoo hoo hoo, are you so stunned by my wicked good looks that you're speechless?MegaMan Volnutt.Tron Bonne: So, what do you say? It's about time you play nice, don't you think?Servbot: It's for your own good!MegaMan Volnutt.I just wanna go home.Trivia. Tron is very popular, having appeared in more games than Mega Man Volnutt himself, and has also appeared in her own game, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.

She also appears in the fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2, not directly fighting herself, but with the help of riding in a mech that appears to be a different model of the Gustaff, her mech from her own game. She is somewhat infamous in the latter, because of the high amount of damage she can cause as an assist character.

She was confirmed during the Tokyo Game Show 2010, along with, and. Tron Bonne has alternate color schemes that gives her blond hair and a red outfit (based off Roll Caskett), one of her old MvC2 schemes, and a scheme that paints her mechsuit to resemble a Servbot while Tron herself resembles the Mayor of Kattlelox Island.

For Ultimate, the 'Servbot-Gustaff' color is dropped and other schemes based off Teisel Bonne, Bon Bonne, and her Namco x Capcom look are included. Her DLC costume has the Gustaff modeled after a Servbot, as opposed to merely sharing its color scheme.

Her Lunch Rush hyper has a maximum of 41 hits (excluding the initial gunshot that sets up the move), the total number of known Servbots as of Mega Man Legends 2 and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. It's also a reference to Mega Man Legends 2, where the Servbots repeatedly sent letters to Mega Man Volnutt requesting that he join as Servbot #42 in order to cheer up Tron. This is referenced in her ending, where she reprograms a Sentinel to serve as Servbot #42.

Tron Game

The rest of the Bonne family can be seen in Tron's home stage, Kattelox Island, along with various Servbots. Also, Tron's brother Teisel is in the background cheering her on whenever she is fighting in Kattelox Island. If she is defeated, he will become sad. Humorously, if Tron defeats/is defeated by another Tron, he will look confused for a short while before starting to cheer for his sister again. And if she is not being used in said stage, she will sit next to Teisel and watch the players fight while holding a Servbot on her lap. If Tron is in the field after all enemy characters have been knocked out, there is a celebratory sound that plays when she stands up to flash the 'V for victory' hand sign.

Tron Game

One of Tron Bonne's alternate costumes bears a striking resemblance to the Mega Man Legends incarnation of, who was her rival in that series. In addition, Tron's Servbot companion is colored white, referencing the Volnutt family friend/pet, the monkey robot. In Tron Bonne's after-match victory quote to, she demands to know where Mega Man is, even though Mega Man Volnutt (her archenemy in the Mega Man Legends series) is not the Mega Man that Zero knows. Tron was revealed alongside X-23, to match the theme of both initially being portrayed as villains, but gradually showing a more noble morality to become heroines (or anti-heroines).

Tron Game
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