Worms 4 Mayhem Construction

Worms 4 Mayhem Construction

Worms 4 Mayhem Construction 4,0/5 4566 reviews

Jan 11, 2011  The following is a list of downloadable content in Worms: Ultimate Mayhem. Multiplayer Pack 1 new Construction multiplayer map - “Towering Infernal” 1 new Medieval multiplayer map - “A Hard Day’s Knight” 1 new Wild West multiplayer map - “End of The Line” 1 new Arabian multiplayer map – “1001.

Worms ultimate mayhem

Since 1996, Team 17 has been bringing us one Worms game after another, proving once again that you really can milk a good idea to death. The various 2d versions were solid games; simplistic yet engrossing gameplay, a nice blend of humor and cruelty that harkened back to the golden days of cartoons, and tons of destructive weapons to choose from. Each new version brought only incremental changes to the successful formula of the first game, but the recent jump in 2003 from 2d to 3d has been a flawed translation at best.

Worms 4: Mayhem is the latest 3d offering in the turn-based strategy series. In addition to the classic multiplayer team vs. team play, the single player campaign features objective based missions and several levels in five themed zones- Jurassic, Arabian, Construction, Wild West, and Camelot. So is Worms 4 as addictive as its two dimensional predecessors? Let’s find out:

Something was lost along the way when Worms added a dimension. The cute little 2d cartoon worms now look like they would be right at home in a Veggie Tales movie. Every texture in the game makes everything look like it is made out of shiny plastic, and the lighting is so diffuse that everything looks flat, making distances very hard to judge. Honestly, this game would probably look better if it was cell-shaded as it would hearken back to the charm of the original games.

The environment is very blocky and barely textured. True to its roots, Worms 4 has destructible environments. Unfortunately, it looks like Team 17 faked it as bits of real estate seem to come off in predetermined chunks. Also, there is no discernible way to tell non-destructible areas from the destructible ones.


All in all, the graphics are trying real hard to be cute, but they really come off as flat and boring.

A standby in the series, the helium induced one-liners that the worms spit out on occasion can get rather repetitive. Sure, there are 40 different voice themes to choose from for your characters, but each theme has only a handful of phrases, and you will hear them several times during the course of one game. Curiously enough, they seem to have forgotten how to speak english during the cutscenes of the single player game, instead sounding like a cross between Beaker from the Muppets and a fly buzz, with subtitles providing the ‘translation’.

Pretty much every sound effect has been carried over since the first game; grenades provide that familiar hollow clank as they bounce around, explosions have the same loud boom, and worms still fall in the water with that same ‘ker-plunk!’. The music is light and cheery, but mostly forgettable.

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Simply put, the controls in Worms 4: Mayhem are horrible, especially in the single-player portion which incorporates several missions with platforming. For instance, when you are too close to wall when trying to hop over it, you bounce backwards, which can be fatal depending on where you are (splash!). The game gives you the option to go to a first-person mode when firing certain weapons like the bazooka, but it may take half your turn to coax the crosshairs right where you want them, and then, due to the poor depth perception of the graphics, your shell has a better chance of completely missing your target than hitting it. In 2 dimensions a certain level of skill could be attained by adjusting your shots for wind speed and direction, but adding that extra axis just makes it a guessing game unless your opponent is close up and visible. Also, the camera in first-person mode doesn’t always match up to what you think it should from third-person mode, a situation that can be extremely hard to manage when up in high places.

Worms 4 boasts a single player game that is both frustrating (due to poor controls) and boring (long nonsensical cut scenes that push along a paper-thin plot). While I applaud Team 17 for trying to mix things up a bit and add some item collection and platforming levels, the controls are so wonky when it comes to progressing through them that I found myself repeating things over and over again. Too often, each level ended up feeling like a chore to finally get through.

When the goal is simply to destroy the other side’s team, however, hints of the original’s gameplay would shine through. Multiplayer still has it’s charm, but the inconsistent AI when playing against the computer became very tiresome- the AI either whiffs it completely or perfectly annihilates you every time, there is very little middle ground.

With an already huge grab-bag of weapons and accessories, the addition of the poison arrow and the sniper rifle seem rather superfluous. A good chunk of the weaponry is so unwieldy and difficult to use that I found little reason to stray from the old standbys of bazooka, grenade, and flaming fist. Besides, what is the point of including a sniper rifle if you can’t do a proper head shot?

Finally, I would probably be willing to overlook some of these problems if the game were a little faster paced. The amount of time it takes the game to switch from one player to another is exceedingly and unnecessarily long, so long that I was actually able to get up and make myself a snack one time while waiting for my next turn. For a game as simple as this one, I don’t understand what the point is in waiting around like that.

On paper, there is a lot of re-playability inherent in Worms 4, but the glaring flaws in the control scheme and gameplay just don’t make it worth the effort. Customization is huge, with the ability to customize your team of worms, create a map, create a weapon, etc. There is even online play with Xbox Live, though good luck finding anyone out there to play with. It would have been nice if Team 17 had added the original game as an unlockable, but that might underscore how much better it was than their current offering.

Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Currently living in Fort Worth, Texas, Ron is an old-school gamer who enjoys CRPGs, action/adventure, platformers, music games, and has recently gotten into tabletop gaming.Ron is also a fourth degree black belt, with a Master's rank in Matsumura Seito Shōrin-ryū, Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do, Universal Tang Soo Do Alliance, and International Tang Soo Do Federation. He also holds ranks in several other styles in his search to be a well-rounded fighter.Ron has been married to Gaming Trend Editor, Laura Burke, for 21 years. They have three dogs - Pazuzu (Irish Terrier), Atë, and Calliope (both Australian Kelpie/Pit Bull mixes).

Contents Missions Diner MightDescription: ' Okay class, assignment number one. The enemy are about to open their newly constructed worm eatery, a place they intend to use to feed their armies. Let's put a stop to their plan and see how the enemy march on an empty stomach shall we?' : ConstructionSneaky Bridges Thieves Inc.Description: ' Supply lines are a key factor to providing equipment to frontline forces. The enemy doesn't seem to think they are that important though. Let's see the cause and effect of disabling one of their main supply lines. Take away the workmen's tools while they are out, but be quick though, they'll be back soon!'

Theme: ConstructionBuilding Site SaboteursDescription: ' This is the enemy's main building supply location. From here they can supply building materials to all their miltary establishment. Let's tackle the root of the problem shall we? Blow up their diggers and really put their Logistic Department out of action. Then we can sit back and watch the effects.' Theme: ConstructionThe Crate EscapeDescription: ' Oh cripes! We've been spotted!

And I was told the construction of this weapons factory was on hold! It looks like the planning inspectors are here to check it out.

Not to worry though, we can get you out of there. Just find and get to the escape crate without dying and we can airlift you out of there.' Theme: ConstructionDestruct and ServeDescription: ' We have taken out all the enemy supply lines and have stopped their military progress. They do still have their new Main Weapons Research Laboratory under construction though. If we can take out this establishment, we will really have the enemy where we want them. So, take out that Weapons Lab!' Theme: ConstructionStorm The CastleDescription: ' Those medieval oafs have ransacked the time machine and made off with some vital parts!

We will have to get them back if we want to get out of here. Apparently the wizard that lives in his castle has one but he has it very heavily guarded. Let's storm our way in there and retrieve it.' Theme: CamelotThe Windy WizardDescription: ' Well, I have found the location of the time machine's dashboard enhancement. Problem is, it's being used by the Windy Wizard to control the wind! We will have to take out his power supply before we can attack him but watch out, I hear the Wizard's apprentices are in the area and they're crack-shots!' Theme: CamelotRob In The HoodDescription: ' This is the stronghold of the Rouge Wizard, a dastardly fellow at best.

He has another of the time machine's components stashed deep in the dungeons of his castle and is not going to come out without a fight. Despatch his bandit guards and he will soon appear, along with the part.

Then we can show him what dastardly tactics are all about.' Theme: CamelotJoust About ItDescription: ' These wizards are way too cheeky for my liking. The Battle Wizard has put up piece of our time machine as a prize in a jousting competition! You will have to go in there and beat all of the knights who are taking part to claim that prize. Without it we are going nowhere.'

Theme: CamelotNice To Siege YouDescription: ' Well done class! We've finally retrieved all of the time machine parts. All we have to do now is just put it back together. Good job we've found this deserted castle: it will provide good shelter from the rain and perhaps even this army who are hot on our trail! Keep me safe while I put this thing back together and then we'll make good our escape.' Theme: CamelotMine All MineDescription: ' Ok class, this is it.

We've found Gold Mountain and I believe that there's enough gold here to send us halfway home! There's just one small thing: some of Boggy the Kid's gang are hanging out by the entrance. They are not going to let us just walk off with their gold, so we will just have to persuade them.' Theme: Wild WestGhost Hill GraveyardDescription: ' Rumour has it that Boggy the Kid hides some of his gold in the graves of the worms he has killed. Take a look around this graveyard and see what you can find. Try not to disturb any of the graves though, the guys buried here will not take kindly to being disturbed!' Theme: Wild WestTin Can WallyDescription: ' I'm sorry to say class, that I may have made mistake.

I was drinking in a bar last night when I overhead a ruffian called Tin Can Wally bragging about his gold stash. I tried asking him to give it to me, but he got a little angry.and now he wants a duel at dawn!

Well being the pacifist that I am, one of you will have to fight in my place! Theme: Wild WestDoom CanyonDescription: ' The river bed here is apparently chocked full of golden nuggets. Perfect fuel for the time machine, however, the locals don't seem to want us to take it away.

They are bout to blow open the J.C. Van Dam and flood the whole area.

Get to the high ground and then teach those varmints a lesson!' Theme: Wild WestHigh Noon HijinxDescription: ' We almost have enough gold, but still need a little more. It's time to pay this Boggy the Kid character a visit. We will need to sneak into his base and get someone to open the gate for us. Then we can surprise his gang and take them out before they have a chance to react. Once his gang is defeated, we can be away with his gold and finally get home.'

Theme: Wild WestTurkish DelightsDescription: ' I have noticed some of Ali Baboon's cohorts hanging around this market place and I think they are planning on using the cover of darkness to steal all of the market trader's goods. We must help the local law enforcement agents capture these rascals. Get those criminals into the jail yard and the police will do the rest!' Theme: ArabianNo Room For ErrorDescription: ' After a long chase, we've cornered a couple of Ali Baboon's thieves.

They think they can escape. NOT A CHANCE! Get up that walkway and dispose of all the thieving worms before they can steal from anyone else. Well what are you waiting for? Theme: ArabianCarpet CapersDescription: ' At last, I have managed to find some of the loot that nasty Ali Baboon stole from the lovely Queen.

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Get up here and help me get it back down to the ground.No you don't need your weapons, just leave them down there.' Theme: ArabianTraitorous WatersDescription: ' Some of Ali Baboon's gang are using stolen galleons to torment the small village of Wormamhabad. They are forcing the people to give up their worldly possessions for their lives.

I don't like bullies!! Take out their guns and send them to a watery grave!' Theme: ArabianGibbon TakeDescription: ' Well it seems Ali Baboon has ha enough of us picking on his gang. He has informed me that if we can manage to get through his 'Thief Training Course', and get to him we can have all the Queen's jewels back. Well what are you waiting for? You don't expect me to put my life in danger do you?'

Theme: ArabianFast Food DinoDescription: ' Just a minor setback.will have this fixed in no time. Meanwhile you have a herd of hungry dinosaurs to deal with,.

All their food has been spilled from their cooking pot. There is no way you can gather it all up and throw it back in the pot before the ice caps melt and send you to a watery grave!' Theme: PrehistoricEscape From Tree-RexDescription: ' Ha ha, now you're stuck!! You are never going to be able to get down that mountian and it's the only way to where I am! It's just too steep!

Add to that the savage natives and maniacal beasts that roam around here and you will never make it down alive!!!' Theme: PrehistoricChute To VictoryDescription: ' Look at what lies between you and me: a river of prehistoric proportions! You will never be able to cross it!

Those stepping stones are made for dinosaurs, not worms! And besides, the locals control this crossing, and you don't really want to get involved with them!'

Theme: PrehistoricThe Land That Worms ForgotDescription: ' Oh dear! It seems you are a worm down. It looks like one of you has wandered off a little too far from the pack.

Are you willing to save your classmate? Even when there are caveworms, dinosaurs and an extremely volatile volcano in your way? Face it, it's over for you now. Get used to the Prehistoric life!' Theme: PrehistoricValley Of The DinowormDescription: ' Bah!!! I don't know how you managed to get across to me alive but it doesn't matter: you will won't get to me. My crash seems to have attracted a few of the locals and they now stand in between you and me.

There is no way you will manage to fend them off before I get this fixed and leave you here stranded forever!!!' Theme: PrehistoricRandom maps.

Worms 4 Mayhem Construction
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