Hawken Game

Hawken Game

Hawken Game 4,0/5 4145 reviews

Overview Hawken OverviewHawken is a mech-based first-person shooter developed by Adhesive Games and currently owned by Reloaded Games. The lobby-based shooter features a wide variety of mechs suited for specific roles on the battlefield. Choose a mech that fits your playstyle—on the front lines as a Brawler or sitting back armed with a sniper rifle. Taking down more than one war machine is impossible alone. Sticking together and working as a team is the only way to win in Hawken.

Yes, you have come to the right place! In recent weeks, 505 Games has taken over all of Hawken's support across PS4 and Xbox One platforms. Hawken is being closed and removed from Steam in January. By Andy Chalk news Developer Reloaded Games wants to 'refocus' its development efforts.

Each mech has a permanent secondary weapon and a primary weapon that can be swapped out. No weapon is superior to another; each one suits a particular playstyle. The unique control scheme mimics lumbering machines, featuring a dodge mechanic that must be mastered early on if you’re to survive. Full Review Hawken ReviewBy Sean SullivanIn Hawken’s dystopian future, limited resources on a colonized planet are seized through war. Exchange blows on the battlefield by piloting prodigious mechs and working together to thwart enemies in order to secure victory.

When you begin your career as a pilot, only Team Deathmatch is available. As you progress and learn the game's mechanics, you unlock new modes of play. It's a sensical way of introducing players to the game without overwhelming them. With only one available mech to start with, I elected to test the Assault class. Piloting a Mech Never Felt So GoodEvery map is intimate enough that you’re shoved into a firefight in moments. Like a father sending his son off on a bike for the first time without a helmet, you are likely going to crash and get killed.


But it’s fun. Mech games that make you feel like you’re surrounded by metal, oil, and bolts are as rare as the likelihood of mech combat happening tomorrow. Hawken, however, has pulled it off.Tromping onto the battlefield is easy enough. Move with the WASD keys. With each step your machine rumbles and grinds.

Pressing shift activates a booster for a quick sprint while holding spacebar sends you skyward for a brief time. Both rocket propulsion systems quickly use fuel, forcing you to monitor them closely.

Immediately I noticed that turning was not easy. This isn’t Counter Strike 1.6. You can’t nudge your mouse, pirouette like a ballerina, and headshot a player. It’s a Metal Gear; you move like one. Movement isn’t slow but it’s also not agile. Mastering your machine's functions and understanding its dexterity is vital to survival.

Burn Baby BurnWatching sparks fly, glowing until they conflagrate, feels deserving. They explode in an inferno that says “I did it.” Or, you can watch yourself immolate and turn into disappointed ash. Every mech is perfectly suited to take out every other mech in a 1v1 match. It’s your skills versus theirs. Since the mechs are equally fortified, you must stick together as you hunt. Doing so gives you the upper hand. Surrounded by two enemies, it’s nearly impossible to kill either.

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You’re assaulted by a maelstrom of bullets and rockets, firepower that shroud the battlefield. This is not a game where solo players are rewarded. The lone wolf is turned into a pelt and hung out to dry. Cooperate with your team or die.I was minding my own business high atop a jungle looking for my prey. My teammates were not marking the radar—neither was I. All of a sudden my systems went haywire. “INCOMING.” Missiles breached my hull and my mech was cut to half health.

Two enemies flanked me from either direction. Strafing was out of the question. They mowed me down in less than an instant. A Beautiful Day to DieBut dying is okay. You’re swiftly thrown back into the battle (the future runs on a Gundam economy). Back in the game, with a moment to spare before smoke, blood, and ash converge, you may notice how beautiful Hawken looks.

The maps are gorgeous—where cities evoke a cyberpunk landscape and forests teem with fungi and oak. It evokes a science fiction atmosphere where giant mechs would kill each other in the streets. The first person perspective, displaying your gritty cockpit, creates the sensation that you're strapped into a warring machine. The Metal Gear influence is undeniable. I Choose YouFrom lightweight speedy machines to hulking monsters, there are mechs for every taste. Different armor, handling, and weapon layouts create tactical variety and suit any playstyle.

Noted that the action shifts are 'cleverly visualised'. Dead pixels show. Said that the first episode of the show is 'certainly funny and involving enough to entice any viewer'. Reception The series has been described by as 'wickedly entertaining' and 'the sharpest new sitcom of 2019'. See also.References.

Move around the map swiftly, finding vantage points to pick off enemies from a distance. Play assault and throw yourself in the enemy's face as you unleash bullets into their machine.

However, unlocking the mechs can be slow and tedious if you don't want to dish out money for bonus experience boosts or in-game currency to unlock the mechs early on. Everything in the game, from cosmetics to items to in-game avatars are on sale with either the in-game currency (earned from completing missions) or the games cash currency. There's an abundance of mechs you have to purchase to play.

I do wish you could test out more of them before spending hard-earned currency. Nevertheless, the prices aren't ludicrous or unfair. For the time, I'll stick with playing the game to earn in-game currency. Final Verdict - GreatHawken is a highly-stylized MMO Shooter that imparts a realistic sensation of what it would be like to command a mech. Fierce battles are decided by momentary decisions, and the destuction of hulking machines is both satisfying and beautiful. It's a game where solo-play is frowned upon.

Be a teamplayer; rekindle your little league team spirit. Otherwise, you'll be looking at killcams not victories. Unlocking new mechs can be arduous because earning the in-game currency is a slow process. A completionist will be forced to invest hours into Hawken to unlock every war machine.

For the rest of us, Hawken is a highly polished pick-up shooter. Whether you queue up for matches alone or gather a group of friends, Hawken is bound to be fun.

Hawken Game
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