Rogue Legacy Review

Rogue Legacy Review

Rogue Legacy Review 4,3/5 5517 reviews

Of the Week pick is the highest scoring game in a review, the game with the. Rogue Legacy ($3.99) from Cellar Door Games is one of those.

I really, really enjoyed this game, and if the following words mean anything to you, I think you will as well:Arcade platformer metroidvania roguelike.Still with me?It took me 102 deaths and 16.5 hours to beat this thing. Unlike other roguelikes, it's very probable that you will beat this game after investing enough time into it, thanks to a life-to-life upgrade progression system that other roguelikes don't possess. As Rogue Legacy is super fun to play, that won't be hard to consider doing.Like most roguelikes the game's dungeon is different every time you play, but you can sacrifice a bug chunk of your money of your money (used for upgrades between lives) to keep the dungeon the same, keeping access to all the warp points you've uncovered, etc. This feature is theoretically good for fighting the game's bosses until you win, as they are very difficult and will take multiple tries to beat.

But as bosses always drop a ton of cash, I never bothered with that. In fact, I effectively never used the feature - not because I'm super hardcore, but it's just in my best interests. The more money I get, the faster I upgrade, the faster I will eventually beat the boss in its due time.Even if you have played other roguelikes and didn't enjoy them, I recommend you download the demo to Rogue Legacy and give it a shot. As death is your chance to spend your money and upgrade your lineage; like it's the only way to Level Up and if you're an RPG fan, you know Leveling Up is fun. This is a rare example of a game that actually makes it fun to fail.If you like action platforming, the game is an incredible value with fun mechanics and charming aesthetics. This game knows how to get its hooks into you. The constant changing of your character for each attempt at the dungeon keeps it fresh, as does the constant changing of the castle, which is procedurally generated.

I never bored of the level 'designs' and the challenge was the perfect level to keep me coming back for more. This may be the best 'one more time' game I have ever played.

Keep in mind, the beginning portion may be the most difficult, as you need to work on your character build a little bit to get it how you like it. The final boss can seem daunting at first, but is definitely surmountable. There is a story that tied it all together, and though I think it is probably well done, I didn't invest myself much into it, as I was consumed by the gameplay and the 'rogue-lite' progression. I would recommend this game to virtually anyone who knows how to use a controller.

Now, here's a game that I wouldn't give a cent for by its looks, but after I downloaded it while a PS Plus offer, boy, was I wrong. What a surprise!

When looking at screenshots and generic descriptions of this game, it doesn't sound good: 'On this 8-bit style platformer you will die many times and have to start from the beginning as your ancestor'. What they forget to mention is that whatever advances you achieved in one life are STILL there for your next life. So, let's say, you made 1800 gold in one life, now on the next you can USE this gold to create a new character, improve skills, have a new sword, etc. So the next time you play, you have a better character and can get even further on the game.

Plus, if you beat a boss in one life, you DON'T need to beat that boss again in other lives, so the progress is saved. My point is: if you, like me, have been avoiding this game because you think you'll be playing Genesis' 'Ghouls and Goblins', erase that mindset and try 'Rogue Legacy', it's one of the funnest games I've played recently.PROS:- Addictive gameplay- Levels are randomly generated, no experience is the same- Tightly designed gameCONS:- Artwork could have been better- Will take you longer than you expected to finish it.

After I beat this game, I played through it again on New Game Plus, which changed all the monsters in the castle. The new monsters were much more difficult than the old ones, and while the bosses weren’t significantly harder, getting through the castle was much more difficult. And yet somehow, this made the game that much better; beating the game again brought out New Game , which again changed every monster in the castle and made the game into some strange sort of bullet hell game. The game did not impress me at first, and I thought it was done for, but somehow, after I beat it, it became even better, and I now have very fond memories of the game, including of defeating the optional alternative bosses.rnWhile the game on the whole is not for everyone, if you really like a challenge, this game is a real meatgrinder and you can really actually end up enjoying it for what it is. It is not for the faint of heart, however. The worlds architecture is altered with each pass, the strengths and weaknesses of your selectable characters shift wildly, and while it's environment is repetitive it not once in 16hrs became tiresome to me.The character movement took a few runs to become comfortable with, and while the game appears difficult at first you will quickly discover character builds (through upgrades, and classes) that work best with your style.

The Man-Dragon class (which takes some time to unlock) is basically game breaking, and I ended up using it for just that, by beating the game with a strong build of this class.I enjoyed every minute. This is absolutely one of the most addictive games I have ever played. The concept is simple, you go about as far as you can into the dungeon, collecting treasure and seeking out bosses. When you die, you get an entirely new character w/ different strengths and weaknesses but you can keep certain upgrades that you buy after each round. The cycle is set up such that you can typically afford one or two small upgrades each time you play and everyone makes you want to rush back in and try it out.

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This works because each trip is great fun w/ tight controls and interesting, varied enemies combined w/ the fact that your character is a little different each time. Depending which character you get, you might set different goals for yourself but no matter what you do you are always collecting money for power-ups so none of this time is wasted. Overall, an intensely enjoyable game that plays as well in short sessions as it does in long ones. Fantastic concept executed in a relatively so-so fashion.

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The procedural generation is impressive, but too often the game just devolves into a grindfest between areas while you work up enough money to have anything resembling half-decent attacks. When I reached the final fight I didn't even bother grinding anymore-I just launched kamikaze strikes against him until I got a lucky break.

But I have to admit, as much as I don't like games that are hard just for the sake of being hard, this one actually scales the difficulty well. Has a great sense of progression as your skills and ancestor's stats/gear improve. When you first step in to each area its only a few hits before you're dead; But by the end you're tearing through enemies like paper. Despite that though, a few too many wrong moves and even the early enemies in the castle area can still be a threat.My only complaint is that I beat the second form of the final boss on first time by just hitting him really fast on the spot. It felt cheap, but it was working so what ya gonna do, right? My playtime was pretty long, so I was probably over leveled.

In 2013, Rogue Legacy released to critical acclaim on PC and Mac. As part of Sony’s big push into fostering independent development across the PlayStation family of consoles and handhelds, they’ve cherry picked some of the very best independent games to arrive on PlayStation — Rogue Legacy is one of those games. The Rogue “Lite” platformer has recently made its console debut as part of Sony’s Summer Play Promotion. Arriving for the PS3, PS4, and PS Vita, Rogue Legacy could be one of the best games you play all summer, whether or not you missed it last year. It’s the very same exceptional experience, but, with cross-buy and cross-save functionality for those who own multiple Sony platforms. Rogue Legacy hasn’t seen much change in a year. It’s a pitch perfect port from the PC version of the game, and it plays equally well on either the PS4 or PS Vita.

Almost all of what we said about Rogue Legacy in our review from last year holds true — it’s a unique platformer that’s entirely capable of keeping you occupied for hours on end. It’s genetic legacy features and character builds still feel unique and fresh to the genre, and it’s a game that still continually pulls you in for “just one more turn” as good games of this type generally do. At first glance, Rogue Legacy is exactly what you think it is. The game certainly plays the part of a platforming adventure title.

It’s exterior is one that is fairly unimpressive, its art style familiar. Seeing that it’s not 1993, the sights and sounds of Rogue Legacy won’t have you praising its amazing aesthetic. However, dig just past this shallow crust, and you’ll find a game that is both challenging and fun in equal parts. You’ll find an RPG-like game that has you carefully plotting out your progression path and abilities for your best chances of survival. And you’ll also find the “rogue-like” elements, and where the “Legacy” of Rogue Legacy comes into play. Any single journey into the world of Rogue Legacy is one that can only be taken once, at least by your current character. Once you meet death, the journey at hand will now be up to one of your descendants.

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Your next journey into this randomly generated castle must be done with a randomly generated genetic decedent of the previous adventurer. These new characters all have varying attributes. They can be extremely powerful in some areas and handicapped in others. These genetic effects feature things like color-blindness, near and farsightedness, Gigantism and dwarfism for large and small characters, and a number of other less/more noticeable attributes.

These handicaps make things change for the player on-screen. For the color-blind player, the game is played in black and white. For the far-sighted, a portion of the screen is blurred. Each distinct trait has an on-screen effect that livens things up.

These handicaps are usually balanced with strengths. So, your character might be color-blind, but really powerful, or really good at finding treasure.etc. There are also more practical elements dwarfs and giants each have their benefits, especially in traversing hard to reach areas. The end result is gameplay that is varied in each successive playthrough, making forward progress in Rogue Legacy an interesting and engaging process of improvement and a challenge in dealing with any genetic shortcomings that your next character might have. This genetic respawn system is almost enough to keep you clicking back in for another castle run time after time, but the real tie that binds is the overarching progression system of the game. Without it, you won’t get very far because Rogue Legacy is a pretty difficult game. You’re just not going to breeze through it in its entirety without a bit of grinding.

This entails you scouring the castle for gold, powerups and equipment blueprints to build better gear for your character. The good news is that all the gear and gold you find are passed down to your descendant.

So while the character you’ve just played may never be used again, their legacy lives on and the fruits of their labor will hopefully aid you in your next journey. Though there are stipulations to this as well. All gold must be used after every life.

Rogue Legacy Review

You can perform a number of different actions with this gold. It can be used to buy permanent power-ups or stat buffs for your character, you can expand your magical capabilities, and there’s a massive skill tree to unlock.

One thing is relatively constant, you lose all of your unspent gold each turn. If the mechanic sounds grindy, that’s because it is.

But, it also keeps the game progressing very nicely. If you play smartly, you’ll outgrow levels in the game due to your progression. Then it becomes more of a pure platforming game that will rely on your proficiency with a controller, and the use of your acquired skills. You’ll be tested regularly in Rogue Legacy, whether its a randomly generated run that gives you both a character that you don’t like and a castle that doesn’t play to your strengths, or just the challenge of needing to collect enough gold to actually buy something for your descendant. There are new challenges to be had at each new life. Pushing deeper and deeper into the castle with every generation is a rewarding mechanic if it’s played right, but can be somewhat frustrating in some of the in-between stages where upgrades are costly, and earning enough cash becomes a more difficult challenge to make worthwhile progression.While Rogue Legacy is certainly innovative in the way that it handles its generational progression system and randomly generated characters and worlds, its not nearly as artful as other indie darlings. While its a fully capable game in the way it looks, feels, and sounds, it just doesn’t have that brilliant art/sound design to make it really stand out to those looking for a pretty face.

It definitely doesn’t take away from the gameplay once it’s got its hook set, but that hook isn’t a sure thing. Given ridiculous difficulty spikes in Rogue Legacy, it’s going to really hit home with a very specific type of player. A player that can stand to have wasted a small chunk of their existence on a playthough that provided them with absolutely nothing that went towards their forward progress in the game.

This happens a lot in Rogue Legacy. There are many generations where you just don’t get anything done. You make no progress towards your overall goal, and that can be off putting for those that want more than just sheer challenge. It’s also somewhat of a detractor that there is little if any actual story to be told in Rogue Legacy. What bits that are divulged in the game are only there through the discovery of journal entries, and they offer only a tinge of color for invested players.

The PlayStation DifferenceGoing from the PC to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, there aren’t any huge differentiators in the gameplay nor the presentation. Though the Dualshock controllers are great options for this game which relies on precise controls. Better yet, the d-pad on both versions of the DualShock is a great option for Rogue Legacy players to play through the entire game without ever using an analog stick.Another big addition for those who own the Vita and home console combo is the ability to transfer and “cross-save” data between multiple platforms via the cloud. This means that you can play Rogue Legacy in your living room, and take it with you on the go on the PS Vita as you wish. It’s a nice feature that Sony has been offering on a number of games as of late, and it’s certainly an added bonus when you’re looking at getting three copies of the game for the price of one.On the Vita, Rogue Legacy plays well.

Perhaps some of the content is a little small for the Vita’s smaller screen real estate, but it doesn’t hinder the game with any detriment. Playing on the Vita natively is the best way to play Rogue Legacy on the go. Even if you wanted to tap into the PS4’s remote play functionality with the Vita, playing the game natively is certainly the way to go.- This article was updated on:September 21st, 2014. Available On: PC, PS3, PS4, PS Vita. Published By: Cellar Door Games.

Developed By: Cellar Door Games. Genre: Platformer, Rogue-'Lite'. US Release Date: July 29th, 2014. Reviewed On: PS4, PS Vita.

Quote: 'This PlayStation release of Rogue Legacy is undoubtedly the definitive release of the game. It might not get the hype and praise that the 2013 launch did, but those who happened to miss out on Rogue Legacy for PC/Mac should definitely take a look at this early release in Sony's Summer Play Program.'

Rogue Legacy Review
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